上海女孩MARY 张在乌干达志愿活动

       MARY ZHANG 是80后上海女孩,目前就读北京对外经济贸易大学法学院,今年8月16日,她接受世界大学生 “AIESEL” NGO的招募,自愿到非洲乌干达去45天的“儿童和妇女”支持志愿活动,近日她将志愿工作的情况回馈我们,特作以下报道;MARY ZHANG 同学是阳光种子行动的志愿者,今年六月,赞助1000元给广西省田绢小学(让孩子们喝上干净的水)千元项目。我们特别惊喜有这样国际视野的志愿者,根据她的来电介绍,希望我们帮助非洲妇女销售他们的手工饰品(每件在10-20元人民币左右),阳光种子行动秘书处决定寻找合适的捐赠者。先请小张同学选购2000元饰品作为阳光种子行动年会的义卖品,至于是否有事业贸易的机会,我们再联系相关公司。无论如何这是一个有意义的志愿活动,帮助年轻一带的成长。MARY ZHANG—你离幸福不远了!


       AASU Beads Project简介



Arise and shine Uganda(AASU)概况

Arise and shine Uganda (AASU) is a young, non-governmental organisation working in the Kamuli and Jinja Districts of Uganda, East Africa. AASU believes that the key to sustainable community development is through education. By building schools with affordable fees and quality teaching, encouraging the attendance of both boys and girls at school, running adult education classes and community education sessions, AASU aims to enable the development of communities throughout the region. Vision: A world where every person has access to quality education enabling sustainable community development. Mission: Our mission is to tailor projects to the needs of rural communities in Uganda and to endorse and facilitate access to quality education, enabling sustainable community development.


博客 http://ariseandshineug.blogspot.com/

网站 http://ariseandshineug.org/



Beads project简介


In order to fund its projects AASU makes and sells a huge variety of high quality, handmade, beaded necklaces, bracelets and earrings. Each one is lovingly and painstaking made by hand from paper and securely varnished to ensure its longevity .

 . . . so you can wear it time and time agai     

AASU necklaces are truly unique and beautiful, with such variety in styles and colours, there is something for everyone, you will be spoilt for choice!


Look and feel great

Not only will you look great wearing AASU products but your conscience can rest easy knowing that you have contributed to a worthwhile cause. To date, the majority of funds for AASUs work have come from its income generating beads projects.

AASU provides local Ugandan women, from the Kamuli and Jinja Districts, who have either low paying or no job, with the opportunity to make an extra income. We supply the women with materials, tools and technical knowledge, as well as ensuring a regular and decent wage. With the womens permission, the remaining profits are channelled into funding AASU projects.



Long: 6000 ug shings (12)

Medium: 4000 ug shings8元)

Short: 2000 ug shings4元)

Bracelet 2000 ug shings4元)

Earrings 2000 ug shings4元)






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